My WSOP Venture Part 2 by Discopimp

Ok we left off at first break....Field was sooooo huge we had to take break in two different sets, half the field first, then the other half....Naturally, I get the second half break....So we play for 20 minutes while the other half is on break...During then i received only one decent hand....I look down at JJ, i raise...And here is where decisions are made...A man directly across from me kinda sit up quickly and awkwardly, and reraises all in....Everyone folds to me, and I automatically had one of those feelings...Remember I had just lost that huge hand with the set of JJ's, so I was at about 875 or so....Normally I would move all in shortstacked...Until I decided it wasnt time, I flipped over JJ, and told him I fold....He pats the table and flips over AA.....I took a huge breath and realized i just dodged elimination....It was finally our turn at break...I met up with Steve and he told me he was at about 1775....I told him i was somewhere around 675 or 775, really wasnt too sure...He gave me so ensuring words, but I assured him, Im still in good shape...
Breaks Ends....We make our way back....I began playin tight, just pickin my spots...Blinds were 25-50 I believe....A new guy at our table sits, and raises with his first hand...I look down at A9 of diamonds...Normally I fold, but for some reason I thought I might get a good flop...I move all in...Everyone folds to him, and he says the dreaded words "I guess I'm way behind, but I'll call"...Last thing I want is losing to some retarded hand....I flip over my A9 suited....He flips over.........A9 offsuit! LOL....We chop, oh well, at least I didnt lose.....Another man joins the table a few hands later....He was small blind I was big blind....Everyone folds to the blinds, he raises to 125...I look down and see Q10....He only raised 75 on top of my 50 i already put in, so I called....flop came Q73....He checks, and I bet 300, a lil more than half my stack I had left...He thinks for a good while...And he reraises about 400 more, and I move all in for what I had left, and he then slams the table...He flips over JJ....Turn and river bring him no help, and I doubled up!
A few hands later, that guy busted out....A few hands later im big blind and look down at 88, the guy under the gun goes all in for about 300...It folds all the way around to me and I feel I have no choice but to call...He flips over AJ...Sweet lil race situation...Board comes 10 high, and I bust out my first player....Like a hand or so later, a guy raises, and Im on the button, and I look down at KK....It comes to me, and i pause for a second, and reraise all in! He automatically calls me and flips over QQ....PHEW..Im in good shape, board brings him no help, and I double up again...Im around 2500 now....A few hands later the Floor man walks over and tells us hes breakin our table, and to draw cards, so we can move....
Now we left off where I got moved to a new table....I sit and down, and dayum, did I get moved to the worng table...Everyone around me has a huge stack, i had about around 3000 maybe more....So I first sit down, and get a nice run of cards, raisin, people folding....Then I get pocket 88's under the gun, so i decide not to raise, and just call....The guy on the button raises, and it folds to me....I automatically think, two over cards! So i say "I call.......I check in da dark!" He sits up, and is like "Excuse Me? Did you say check in da dark?"...I was like yup....My plan is, if flop comes low, and he bets, Im all in! Flop comes 10 4 2....Im like here we go....The guy grabs his chips, stacks up a few....and then checks....I was like damn it! Now if an over card comes, Im screwed....SO I say I check in da dark again! He puts his head down....Turn comes a 7......Once again, hes stacks up some chips.....and checks.....I say "I check in the dark again!" River comes a 4......He grins, and flips over AK....I flip over my 88 and win the hand.....
A few hands pass, and i steal few pots here and there.....I come across 88 again in the big blind....It folds all the way to button, and the guy just calls...The guy next to me (small blind) calls as well....I raise and button thinks for awhile and fold, but small blind calls....The flop comes J73....Small blind checks, I check.....The turn comes 4....He comes out and bets 1200 right away....I think to myself that if he had that J he would bet out right away....So I immediately call! River comes a 7.....He checks, and I flip over my 88, and he mucks! That was one battle, that soon to become very many with the guy to my right....There was a guy directly across from me (bald guy) who had the largest stack, and was very aggressive...I look down at my hand and see A5 suited under the gun....I just call, and it goes to the bald guy....He checks his big blind, and we're heads up...The flop comes 10 4 2....The bald guy bets out 400....I immediately call....The turn comes a K...He checks, and I know i can bluff him....I bet out 1500.....He takes of his sunglasses, and stands up....He pats the table and says nice hand of K10, and he flips over 10 4...two pair! Dude!!! I was like oh shit, WTF was i thinking! I mucked my hand quickly and gave a lil grin!
There was only a few more mintues before the next break....I look down at JJ again....I had that hand about 8 times, and lost about 7 times with them! Anywayz, Im under the gun, and raise....The bald guy announces a reraise....He sits there fiddlin with his chips for god knows how long, and hes says all in! I was like sonna of....I was a big stack, but not necessarily a shortstack either...So i think for awhile, and decide its not my time, once again I flip over my JJ and say i fold....He sees my JJ, and automatically mucks...I was like FUCK, i wonder what he had.....The break comes, and the bald dude makes his way to me..."I had QQ that hand, very good fold! I like the way you play!" I was like hey thanks! I never felt so good about my poker play, and a lil better now that I knew I made the right lay down! Now I know this has seemed like forever but tomorrow will be the final blog, and my outcome of how everything went down!
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