Don't tap the glass by Texter

Had an interesting chat session after my two pair heldup against a guy's allin bet with an open ended straight flush draw. It went something like this:
GuyWhoLost: nh
PokerLizard: Thanks, would've played it the same as you.
GuyWhoLost: Yeah, I'm happy with how I played it :)
FishyGuy: What! You just lost $50 and you're happy....
PokerLizard: Poker is about decisions...not money.
GuyWhoLost: Liz...shoosh...Don't tap the glass on that one.
Ooops...I had just committed a cardinal sin at the poker table; I had given insight to a fish, which may actually make him/her a better player or make them play me better. GuyWhoLost actually follows fishyguy from table to table taking his money and I may have derailed his gravy train. Luckily fishyguy didn't catch on.
So learn from my mistakes don't tap the may scare away the fish.
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