MY WSOP Venture by Discopimp

Well its the big day....The day of my tourney....We woke up in da mornin for all of us to get ready....And if anyone you know my poker superstition, you know damn well I CANNOT go anywhere unless I'm wearing my rings! We jumped in a cab on our way to the big show....We told our driver "To the Rio please.." He replies " Are you guys going to watch the WSOP?".....I, of course, reply sarcastically with a "Im going to win it!"....
So he drops us off right by the entrance, and as I creep up to the door, I must admit i was a lil nervous, trying to think of every lil situation I might be involved in, and how to play....Then my phone rang....It was my mom, and she called to wish me good luck....If any of you know, that meant a lot to me...My mother does not approve of my poker lifestyle, and harasses me about it constantly....But I am very glad she called, and it eased my nerves just a lil....I met up with Steve and his family before we entered the poker room..Steve is a friend of mine, who also played in the same WSOP event as I....
Ok, its time for da show!!!! I went to go find my table, and seat....I intentionally went to be the first one to sit down, so I can pinpoint each of my opponents, and label them...I must say as they all flocked in, I had each one labeled lower than me...I only labeled one guy at my level...And my assumptions were correct, as I studied them during the day....So we sit, we're all set, SHUFFLE UP, AND DEAL!!
I was pretty nervous to see what my first hand would be...Didnt really wanna be the first guy out ya know....Hands are dealt, and I get KQ offsuit....I raise everyone around the table folds...Now I know its on, and these guys are just as nervous as I am.....Very next hand, I get AQ offsuit....I raise, and one guy calls.....Flop comes 10, 5, 3....I bet out, and he folds....Next hand I fold......Next hand I get AK, I raise, and no one calls....Next hand a guy raises, and I look down and see JJ....I just call....Flop comes KJ9....I flop a set....The man who originally raised bets out 100....Now I know this is a crucial moment in the game, where I need to decide how to play this....I decide to raise, in case he has KQ or K10, lookin to chase a straight....I raise it to 500....He quickly called....I then decide he has KQ....the turn comes an 8.....He checked, and then I decided to see if i can bait him into thinkin i was bluffin, and hope he bets the river...So I checked....The River comes a 9, giving me a full house Jacks over 9's... He checks, and now i know hes got dick....So i decide and over bet might bite him into bluffin me, so i bet out 800......He thinks for a lil bit, and then folds....Right away I won 4 out of 5 hands and know i got control of the table....
I got in a lil groove early....And then I hit one of those streaks....No matter what you get or what you play, and some guy always has a better hand...So i decided not to play too many hands and just take it easy....I was up to about 3,245 in chips....I felt good, and most players at my table were scared to get in a hand with me....A man raises before me, and I look down and see JJ again....the flop comes QJ4....Once again I flop a set....He bets hard, and automatically I put him on AK...SO i dont want him chasing a straight....I decide to raise and raise big! I reraise about 1,000, and he moves all in....I immediately call him and flip over my JJ to show my set....He then immediately flips over QQ and show his better set....Ooooo man did that hurt....The only good thing about that hand was that he has about 2300 chips, so i wasn't out of the tournament, but I did take a crippling hit....We hit the first break, and i had a nice lil relaxed conversation with my friends...Told them about my hands, and how i decided to play them, and how now, Im runnin low on chips.....Ill continue this tomorrow in another blog.....Got plenty of hands, and stories to tell....
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