Worst Play I have ever seen

I was playing $0.50/$1.00 No-Limit Hold'em on Noble the other night when this hand occurred, I won't get into all of the specifics, but it has to be the worst play I've ever seen. The hand was headsup between players I will call "Dumbass" and Player 2. The pot has about $30 in it when the river card is dealt. Dumbass who has about $240 in his stack bets $53, Player 2 who has $53.30 in his stack goes "all in". Dumbass FOLDS, you should've seen the barrage of wtf etal in the chat box after that. He basically retorted that he was bluffing...he's definitely on my buddy list now.
The guy folded to a $0.30 raise in a $136 pot. If it had been in a tourney or not headsup, I definitely would've accused cheating...turns out the guy is just a doofus.
Has anyone seen a worse play than this?
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